Kalonzo gives conditions for Bipartisan talks to continue

Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka has pointed out what the Kenya Kwanza government should do so that the bipartisan talks continue.

Kalonzo said that there are issues that they want to be addressed failure to which the bipartisan talks won’t continue.

“If you want bipartisan talks to continue from today those who have left Jubilee, and we heard Jeremiah Kioni mentioning them, if they respect multiparty democracy let’s accept to have by-elections in the areas they represent. If we hear that Kenya Kwanza will allow those who have left the party to hold their delegates conference, there will be no bipartisan talks because we will know that they don’t believe in democracy,” Kalonzo said.

Kalonzo pointed out that they can’t allow the country to go back to a single-party dictatorship while they are watching. He cautioned the Kenya Kwanza against buying legislators from other parties, especially the ones from the Azimio- One Kenya coalition.

“The way we have seen they removed Jubilee MP Keynan from their Kenya Kwanza bipartisan team they have respected what people were saying. We went back to the table so if they want them to join their team let them join their party and go back to the by-election to meet the people. This is serious, and we must defend our democracy,” Kalonzo said.

The Wiper Party leader affirmed that they won’t allow Kenyan democracy to be destroyed by anyone. He called upon former President Uhuru Kenyatta to remain vigilant and strong as they continue strengthening multiparty democracy.

“We all belong to this country and let them stop threatening us. Nobody should make us feel as if we are not Kenyans. If the other people who are threatening that they are the owners of Jubilee threaten to go to court we want to tell them that there will be no bipartisan talks because that will be aggression towards political parties and Jubilee is a big political party. If they touch Jubilee by going to court, we all know those other guys, the least they can do is form their parties,” Kalonzo added.

On Tuesday, 24th May Azimio suspended the ongoing bi-partisan talks for 7 days citing some unresolved issues.

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