Highlights of Kitui County 2024/2025 Budget

Here are the highlights for the approved Kitui County 2024/2025 Financial Year Budget Estimates.

The County’s total budget is Ksh. 12,702,160,932 with an Equitable share of Ksh. 10,990,205,956, Grants of Ksh. 1,111,954,976 and Own Source Revenue Ksh. 600,000,000.

The Appropriation Bill was passed on 27th June 2024 to pave the way for Kitui Governor, Dr. Julius Malombe to appropriate the Budget.

The Office of the Governor was allocated a total of 2,032,933,603 (Ksh.2 Billion) with development estimates of Ksh. 887,755,163 and Recurrent estimates of Ksh. 1,145,178,439. It is worth noting that Special programs like the Community Level Infrastructure Development Projects (CLIDP) are in the development budget at the Office of the Governor.

The Office of the Deputy Governor was allocated a total of Ksh. 195,408,114 with Ksh. 152,905,306 going to the recurrent and Ksh. 41,502,808 as the development expenditure. Deputy Governor, Augustine Kanani is allocated the County Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife thus the budget is catered for the office of the Deputy Governor.

The Department of Water and Irrigation was allocated a total of Ksh. 715,204,083 with Ksh. 145,423,247 being the recurrent expenditure and Ksh. 569,780,836 being the development expenditure.

Department of Education, Training, and Skills Development was allocated a total of Ksh. 1,043,425,266 with a development budget of Ksh. 86,957,493 and a recurrent budget of Ksh.956,467,773.

The Department of Roads, Public Works and Transport is allocated a total of Ksh. 944,374,905 where Ksh. 214,290,323 is the Recurrent budget and Ksh. 730,084,582 being the development budget.

The Department of Health and Sanitation was allocated the Highest amount at Ksh. 3,852,172,162 (Ksh. 3.8 Billion) where Ksh.3, 653,497,433 is the Recurrent budget while Ksh. 198,674,729 is Development Budget.

The Department of Trade, Industry, MSMEs, Innovation and Cooperatives has a total budget of Ksh. 723,241,575 where Ksh. 191,891,944 is the recurrent budget and Ksh. 531,349,631 as the development budget.

The Department of Energy, Environment, Forestry, Natural and Mineral Resources has a total budget of Ksh. 299,551,078 where Ksh. 126,041,344 is the recurrent budget and Ksh. 173, 509,734 being the development budget.

Department of Culture, Gender, Youth, ICT, Sports, and Social Services has a total budget of Ksh. 206,291,330 where Ksh. 137,730,924 is recurrent expenditure and Ksh. 68,560,406 is development expenditure.

The Department of Finance, Economic Planning, and Revenue Management has a budget of Ksh. 436,811,139 where Ksh. 373,686,139 is Recurrent Budget while Ksh. 63,125,00 is the development budget.

The County Public Service Board has a total budget of Ksh. 76,866,658 where Ksh. 66,866,658 is the recurrent budget and Ksh. 10,000,000 is the development budget.

The County Assembly has a total budget of Ksh. 1,100,630,000 (Ksh.1.1 Billion) with Ksh. 1,062,587,992 being the recurrent budget and Ksh. 38,042,008 as the development budget.

The Kitui Municipality has been allocated Ksh. 165,658,280 where Ksh. 80,196,569 is the recurrent budget while Ksh. 85,461,711 is the development budget.

Mwingi Town Administration which will become a Municipality soon has been allocated a total of Ksh. 92,890,759 with Ksh. 63,071,759 being the recurrent budget and Ksh. 29,819,00 as the development budget.

The Department of Agriculture and Livestock has a total budget of Ksh. 710,299,128 where Ksh. 367,669,257 is the recurrent budget while Ksh. 342,629,871 is the development budget.

The Department of Lands, Housing, and Urban Development has been allocated a total of Ksh. 361,519,359 where Ksh. 87,575,634 is the recurrent budget and 273,943,725 is the development budget.

The total county development budget is Ksh. 4,131,196,697 translating to 32 percent of the total budget while the total county recurrent budget is Ksh. 8,825,080,741 translating to 68 percent of the total county budget.

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