Bhang Worth 1.1M nabbed along Mombasa road

Police officers in Makueni county have nabbed bhang worth 1.1 million along the Nairobi-Mombasa highway.

The outlawed drug was being ferried in a private car – make Toyota Premio.

George Kashimiri, Deputy County Commissioner Kibwezi told the press that the bhang was being transported from Western and was stopped at Mtito Andei roadblock and the vehicle refused to stop.

At Manyani it was nabbed after the driver parked it and escaped.

He warned those engaging in the business of selling drugs and contraband goods that they will soon face the music.

“The police searched the car and realized it was carrying wrapped goods and on checking it was found with bhang. The vehicle was towed to the police station where it was confirmed to be carrying 2350 sticks of bhang with a street value of 1.17 million shillings,” Kashimiri said.

“Investigations are ongoing and looking for the suspects who escaped. We will find out who the owner of the vehicle is and get to the root of the matter,” he added.

He urged members of the public to liaise with the police in case they have information about the suspects.

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